e enjte, 14 qershor 2007

Lovers and Liars

Pretty flowers that are lit up with smoke
Now he's quiet and then she spoke
The game of life isn't meant to be played
For these few years it could be delayed.

Just when life was good and bad was gone
And it seemed the world had stopped to perform
The big guy knocked on her feeble door
And said with a grin, for all to hear...
I got you, again.

Silent dreams full of siren screams
She'd heard all is not what it seems
Turned out that rumour was so true
She looks at me and she looks at you

The craziness shows in her eyes
The frozen crimes are no surprise
Cause the life she lives is a life of lies
And they had her, again.

And there were empty bottles lying all over the bedroom floor
But she knew that her emptiness was so much more
To fear the truth or be swept away
What more could she do? What more could she say?

The drama queen she knew she was
Writing poetry...or rather, just rhyming words
She knew she had the one real guy
He wasn't her love, he just wasn't a lie!
So she looked up at the cloudy sky.

Did she imagine it or was it about to cry?
She winked and blinked and said with a smile
"You may have had me all this while...
But not this time, not again."

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