e premte, 15 qershor 2007

Seeking Seers for the Survival of the Sensitive

Politics comes from root words like “polis” from which we get “place” and “polity” which, if stretched, would be made to mean marshalling the resources of the place for the best of the populace. A related word would be policing. Political conscientizing would be about making people aware of the necessity for polity and for reducing policing to nothing.

The populace needs administrators, but the striving has to be toward equality in rights and service, maximizing freedom and bringing about the unity and oneness of mankind without in any way tampering with the necessity for power to be evenly, proportionally, distributed among the different groups of the whole, so that the difference can be maintained too. This prescription may seem idealistic, but I believe it is the only one that is worth striving for.

The document for the future, the constitution if you will, has to be a blueprint that will take into consideration different interest groups, including ones who have no voice and ones yet unborn, not to mention the minorities. The inclusion must be inscribed into the body of the politic, consciously, else cause for future violence will be sown. This may even lead to our destruction.

In a country like India, all this works out to addressing certain major concerns. Redefining democracy, for instance. Eliminating at least poverty as Marx defined it, although that is a pitifully low standard of living in today’s world. Marshalling, I repeat, our natural resources in ecologically and economically sound ways so that we come out of the dependency and debt spirals as well as the self-destructive vandalism seen in the ignorantly wanton mismanagement of Nature. Historical wrongs like caste inequality have yet to be redressed and seeds of trouble being sown for the future in the form of power-brokering with a nation like America have to be refrained from. As Gandhi once stated in other words, only a nation ready to totally forgive and forget past enemies and give up its identity and selfhood, if need be, for the higher calling of serving mankind, is actually going to be a “great” nation.

Such a nation hasn’t yet existed. In a future that will consist of humans, mutation, AI, Clones, etc. along with the poor, the dispossessed and the disabled, and the oppressed, we need fresh vision if we are to survive at all. The present awaits with bated breath for the planners of the future, wise beyond our means, to bring us those documents of change that will help our ark on its exciting pilgrimage to a cosmos of perfection.

Dr. A.V.Koshy

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